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  1. West Coast Recap

    Thursday, April 28, 2011

    Farmer's Market en route to Monterey

    Jacob and I flew off to San Francisco early Monday morning after our fantastically fun wedding weekend. When we landed, we hopped in our rented Chevy Equinox and hit the road south to the Monterey Peninsula. The rental car agency was the first instance where dropping the "We're on Our Honeymoon" card paid off with an upgrade. As I type this, I think it is the ONLY instance where this paid off.

    Like many after the surge of excitement and emotion associated with a life-changing event, I succumbed to illness. A head cold slowed me down during our first week while we toured Monterey's Fisherman's Wharf, Cannery Row, and world-famous Aquarium; drove 17-mile-drive through Pebble Beach; walked our way around San Francisco; and toured the infamous Rock, otherwise known as Alcatraz.


    Monterey Bay Aquarium

    For our second week, we drove from San Francisco up CA-1 and US-101 to the Central Coast of Oregon where we couched out at my in-law's beach house. The scenery of CA-1 and US-101 is breathtaking at every twist and turn! Cliffs, rocky outcrops, waves, windblown brush and trees. It was a spectacular visual feast. Maybe the curvy roads made for slower going, but the views more than made up that (and the motion sickness). And don't worry, we didn't miss a beat of March Madness during our travels, as we caught the games on TV along the way up the coast.

    The beach house was a stroke of genius. Planning for a week at the house with no agenda made for the most relaxing time away from home. Even though it drizzled and rained 85% of our time on the West Coast, my cold cleared up by the time we made it to Oregon and we had a great time. We filled our time with sleeping, reading, napping, eating, and hiking and climbing. Yes, even in the cold, rain, and mud, we did a 5-mile hike along the coast. And we did an AMRAP (as-many-rounds-as-possible) workout climbing the Pacific City dune just north of the Pelican Brewery. Both physical efforts resulted in rewards - the hike with lunch at Tillamook Cheese and the dune climb with lunch at the Brewery. I loved the beer cheese soup at the brewery. Order it. Love it. :)

    Coastal hike in the rain.
    The Dune at Pacific City

    Our last outing before heading home was the amazing Rogue Ales Brewery in Newport, OR. The atmosphere and food at this place are amazing. Jacob and I sampled several delicious brews, with the Oatmeal Stout and Honey Orange Wheat being our favorites. I chowed the macaroni and cheese made with a beer cheese sauce. Do you sense a theme with my tastebuds??

    Rogue Ales sampler
    Our time on the West Coast was fantastic and way too brief. I cried when I woke up the morning after our return home. Seriously. I didn't want the vacation to end. And that is how you know it was a GREAT vacation. Now, if only I could get hundreds of microbrews, cheap produce (especially avocados - 5 for $1!!), and a ban on plastic bags wherever I go, I could be happy wherever I go.

    Number of wrong turns: at least 2 dozen (even WITH a GPS and iPhones)
    Number of times I didn't know I had the hotel reservations in my name: 1 (Whoopsie!)
    Number of disagreements: 0 (of course - we're newlyweds! HA!)
    Number of free things received for being newlyweds: ZERO (WTF, people?)
    Number of times my raincoat kept me from getting soaked: A gabillion, except for the time it didn't because the coat dripped onto my legs or because I didn't time my run past the beach waves correctly. Regardless, USER ERROR.

  2. Good Earth Friday

    Friday, April 22, 2011

    Spring has sprung, Easter is finally here, and the Earth is still hanging on. Since returning from my West Coast Honeymoon life is busy, but great. Here are some links, musings, and other sundries that have been piquing my interest lately. Plus, a pledge honoring this double whammy day.

    • We adults need to play more often, and how fun would it be to go and play here?!?!
    • I'm still holding strong on some of the healthy habits I cultivated during The Whole30 Challenge back in February after a brief break for all the celebratory festivities. I have some REALLY ripe bananas in the freezer and some unused almond flour waiting for a good recipe. I think I found it here.
    • Thanks to a good friend that mailed me a mixed CD of songs inspired by my wedding reception's dance party, I have this song stuck in my head (and it makes me happy)!
    • After reading The Hunger Games recently, I am obsessed with finding more quality young adult fiction. I'm not ashamed to admit I loved the entire Harry Potter series, the Twilight series, and I am currently re-reading that age-old beloved classic, Little Women. [Side note: Amy March is seriously the pits. I would hate having her as a little sister.] This is my new favorite place for book recommendations and literary geek-a-tude.
    • To my brother and sister-in-law living in The Big Apple, I want to go here the next time I am in town. I will have the Pumpkin Spice cupcake paired with the Mandra Rossa Pinot Grigio, please! I just might make it a double.
    • I learned how to do this Olympic lift with an actual barbell (and not a PVC or metal pipe). Three days later, I can still feel this effects of this explosive and technical maneuver.
    • One year ago, the Gulf States region was changed forever. Here's what we were looking at in the news. Today is not only Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified, it is also Earth Day. Deepwater Horizon taught me that we all have a role in caring for our neighbors and our natural resources. Take a moment today to celebrate how far we have come in protecting our water supply, in improving our air quality, and in our awareness of the human impact on the environment. Take a moment also to recognize how far we have yet to go - individually and collectively; locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
    In the spirit of Easter and Earth Day, I pledge to share more and waste less of the wealth of resources (running water, electricity, food, good health, time, income) with which I have been blessed. This means I pledge not to take more than I need, and I pledge to share with others the excesses.

    Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted 
    not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals.
    ~Charles M. Crowe

  3. March Madness

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    March was a busy month of basketball, family, and fun. Obviously, it included not only busted NCAA Basketball Championship Brackets (oh, UNC, I used to like you), but mawwiage, that blessed event, which made me a Mrs. I'll post more in the coming weeks with the skinny on all the fun, but after the jump you'll see the best wedding photo. EVER. Yes, yes, the one above is very elegant, but dang it, the next one is just so GOOOOOOD :)

    FOR THE RECORD: HE started it!