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  1. New Year's Eve 12.31.14

    Wednesday, December 31, 2014

    I love the end of the year. Advent and Christmas are such wonderful lead-ups to this reflective time. Advent ushers us into a contemplative state as we anticipate Christmas, and Christmas has us rejoice over our many blessings. This year is no different.

  2. My Love For You

    Saturday, September 20, 2014

    My love for you is "vaster than the ten thousand things and also the ten thousand things beyond that."

  3. One Year

    Thursday, July 17, 2014

    One Year. Babies warp time. Somehow this was the slowest, and swiftest, passage of time in my life. I cannot imagine how that is so - it can only be magic.

  4. Bman Be Steppin

    Friday, May 2, 2014

    It is hard to keep up this guy lately as he continues expanding his skill set each week! Plus, this kid never. stops. moving! As of last week, he added walking to his repertoire. I'm thinking he will skip strolling along and go right to running - just like his Daddy.

    Needless to say, each month is more fun than the last as Bman's personality grows. Here are some more recent videos, starting with Easter weekend.

  5. Bman at 9 Months

    Sunday, April 13, 2014

    Running with the walker
    9 months, man, and boy is it fun!! Bman is full of babble, giggles, screeches, and energy. He never stops moving and he is SO close to walking. We are able to get outside much more often now that the weather is nicer. We hit up the local playground, chill in the backyard, and go for multiple walks. The outdoor time has perked up everyone's mood! Let's just take a looksie at what Bman is doing via a few videos I took over the past couple of weeks. I'm pretty good about keeping videos to 2 minutes or less, so enjoy!

  6. Bman in March

    Sunday, March 23, 2014

    This little dude turned 8 months old on the 17th this month and he is movin' and groovin'! I clocked him at at record 15 seconds of free-standing, with some unsupported squats thrown in for good measure. I think it is not too long before he's a walkin' round these here parts.

  7. Bman in January

    Wednesday, January 29, 2014

    January is one BUSY month for Bman. He turned 6 months on the 17th and from the start of January, here is what the Bman has been up to:

  8. Early Thoughts on Motherhood

    Tuesday, January 7, 2014

    Bman at 3 months, ready for a fall walk
    Well, around this time last year, I certainly had some thoughts on pregnancy. I tell you now, motherhood seems infinitely easier than pregnancy. I can move my body the way I want to, I can be the CrossFit coach I want to be, and there is no time for anxiety because there is only time to take action. If Bman needs food, or sleep, or diapering, or a change of scenery, then there is no worrying over what might be. I can only address what is.

  9. New Year's Day 2014

    Wednesday, January 1, 2014

    The snow is falling softly and the house is quiet as my baby boy tries to nap. I spent last night trying to recall how I celebrated the ringing in of a new years past as my baby slept and the Mister helped our athletes sweat in 2014 at the gym.