B. S. Excuses! I am procrastinating and my attitude about things that I have no power to change is piss poor. During my struggle to find the wherewithal to get back on track in the office despite internet distractions, I see this blog posting on the Vancouver Olympics Facebook fan page. A-MAZING.
Please take a look, and spend a moment to read the entry. It puts not only sport in perspective, but life. In particular, it put my life in perspective. I am failing at showing up and doing the work I am so capable of doing. I am quitting because I am not winning (like most battles for the environment and in the regulatory realm). Ultimately, I am losing because I am not committing to try, and try again. Admitting this, I realize I can, and will, do more. Be more. Because giving up is not an option. Lowering my standards is not an option. Having a shitty attitude, which becomes an easy scapegoat for all my work habit vices, is not an option.
"I made the commitment to excellence and to having the best races I could, no matter how I felt, how hard it was, or how far behind I might be."
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