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  1. Week (Weak?) 2

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Well, last week was a grumpy week. I am off sugar and on a steap learning curve. I am learning a whole new way of preparing and cooking a whole new set of ingredients. I'm using more dishes in the kitchen that ever before. Hell, I'm using more pots and pans than ever before. I'm using the OVEN on weeknights, and not just to make delicious baked goods. Oh Lord, how I miss delicious baked goods. [And P.S. There is a huge sheet cake and sugar cookies sitting just outside my office door today. Additionally, why do Living Social and Groupon advertise with photos of CUPCAKES? It is a visual assault every time I search the web. This is why, at food challenge end, I will be making a batch of deliciously rich Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes! I'm sure it will eff up my system after eating cleanly for 30 days, but I do. not. CARE. I can taste the sugar delight now!]

    Anyway, heading into week two of this crazy ass food challenge, I feel better mentally as I have a better handle on "the rules of the game", as it were. I'm still trying to figure out how to snack right so I don't feel so hungry ALL day. And during the second half of last week and over the weekend, I made some pretty kick ass meals:

    Pan-broiled tri-tip steak served with spinach, avocado, and bacon salad and homemade dressing.

    Roasted whole chicken served with mashed cauliflower, and spinach, pineapple, and bacon salad with lemon dressing.

    I also grilled up the chicken I spiced up (but did not cook) for my initial chicken, celery, onion, and apple dish last week, and ate that with steamed veggies and no-sugar-added applesauce.

    I ate a restaurant on Friday, for the first time during this challenge, and delighted in eating a stack of shrimp, avocado, and bacon with a spinach salad served with bacon vinaigrette. [Thank God for bacon. First comes chocolate, then cheese, and then bacon, when it comes to making all things in the world wonderful.]

    I'm still loving my berries with coconut milk and almond slivers; however, I find that bananas with coconut milk and cinnamon makes an excellent sweet treat when I feel a sugar craving at snack time.

    I'm planning on trying a couple of more appetizing recipes this week or next -- I still have a lot of leftovers, including most of the whole roasted chicken!!

    In addition to eating yummy clean meals, I am enjoying honing my culinary skills and cooking for others. I actually have leftovers in my fridge. I fantasize about all the paleo-friendly yummy stuff I can make once I am off The Whole30 Challenge and I can use things like honey and almond flour to make cookies and pancakes. Until then, I'll keep updating you on the highs and lows of this grand food experiment!

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