Yesterday was my last full day complying with the rigorous rules of The Whole30 food challenge. right now, I am enjoying my usual breakfast of berries, almonds, and coconut milk, but I added in some oatmeal. No, no. NOT the instant kind - the 100% no-sugar-added kind in the cardboard cylinder.
So where does this leave me? How was the experience? Well, if you read any of the previous posts, you know it was an up and down experience. I am definitely feeling better about the food I put into my body. I do sleep more soundly even though I go to bed later. I don't know that I see improvement in my performance of physical challenges; however, I don't know that I can blame it all on the food.
My recent outing at Tampa's Gasparilla Half-Marathon resulted in my worst finish time ever for a half, but I didn't put in the work. I half-assed my training, and it showed the day of the race. It also didn't help that I had an urgent bathroom stop at Mile 3, and the Port-o-Potty line was a 7-10 minute wait.
But I digress. I will weigh myself today, but based on the fit of my wardrobe, I haven't lost too much weight. Maybe just bloating and water weight from processed foods. Weight loss definitely was not my goal for this challenge.
My kitchen is a mess right now, and I am kind of proud of that. It means I am cooking, and eating leftovers out of Tupperware.
Jacob and I plan on continuing the healthy eating habits we learned while on this challenge; however, we will start incorporating some things we a) just can't love without (e.g., dark chocolate) and b) don't make us feel yucky (e.g., give us a tummy ache). Additionally, if we have a craving for nachos, or a cupcake, or some other bad-for-you food, we'll fulfill it, then return to eating healthily. We just know what the better choices are now. Plus, we'll be able to attend dinner parties, BBQs, and other events without feeling "special" or denied the enjoyment of a non-Paleo treat.
As I experiment with different food groups (e.g., grains, dairy), I'll be able to post my own version of the Healthy/Eff Off Scale. Stay tuned. And in case you didn't catch it last night (like me), the Paleo Diet was a segment on Nightline last night. Check it out here.
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