My First Year in Iowa
Friday, September 7, 2012
I wonder when I'll consider myself an Iowan? It's been a year of residence here in the great corn state, and what a year it's been. The first 4 months were the hardest for me, and I struggled with maintaining my sanity. Adjusting to so many changes all at once was challenging, inspiring, and exhausting. What saved me most days was taking in the beautiful fall season filled with crisp, cool nights, beautifully colored leaves falling from the trees, bright blue skies and perfect temperatures during the day, pumpkin patches, apple cider, and baking pies.
As 2012 settled into a rhythm, and I declared this a year of "nothing" during which I neither made nor achieved any significant goals, I relaxed into my new roles of wife, business owner, and fitness trainer. Strangely, I achieved goals I never purposely set for myself. I became a better cook. I defeated the doubleunder. I keep increasing the amount of weight I can lift. I taught others new skills and helped them improve existing skills. I learned to knit. I completed a small home improvement project (which of course is a gateway drug to more projects). I achieved a level of confidence I don't think I ever knew I had in me (e.g., serving as a foreman on a jury seemed much scarier until the moment the jury decided I would be foreman). I don't think my shy childhood self would recognize or believe the woman I am today. It might all seem so impossible to her. Or perhaps she would admire this woman, and strive to be like her one day.
After a year in Iowa, I am happy with all the choices that led to today. If I think about all the many blessings bestowed on The Mister, our business, and me, I tend to get weepy and overwhelmed. An amazing community of hopeful, supportive, and encouraging people surrounds us. Our athletes at the gym do more for us than I think we do for them by coming in week after week, by their unending generosity, and by spreading the good word of CrossFit to everyone they meet. Our athletes are our success. They help us grow - as a business, as coaches, and as individuals. Outside of the gym, we are blessed with supportive friends and families that want to help (and do help) in every way - from helping us find a place to live and getting us settled when we first moved in to listening when we need a sounding board to wearing our sweatshirts and t-shirts around town. Here we found new friends that share our hopes, make us laugh, and fill our free time with fun and adventure.
In short, Iowa is now my home. We're not going anywhere and the future looks bright. I watch excitedly as our business grows, as we become more involved with our community, and as our days stay busy with work, the daily business of life, friends, and family. Who knows where the next year will take us? I hope it has me calling myself an Iowan.Labels: my life | Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook |
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