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  1. 8 Days...and Counting.

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    I'm tired of all the rules, Whole30 meanies!! I want to be able to make almond butter pancakes, or add a smidgen of feta cheese to a salad, or even just use BUTTER in a recipe. AND I don't understand what is SO bad about dessert, even desserts with natural sweeteners (e.g., honey, maple syrup). I LIKE ending my meals on a sweet note, even if it is just a square of really dark chocolate. Thus, in a moment of frustration, I broke down and made fudge babies out of dates, cocoa, and vanilla. I generously sent Jacob off to Charleston with the other half of the batch.

    This wasn't a true cheat on the rules of The Whole30, but it certainly toed the line. Too bad. They were DELICIOUS, they satisfied my craving, and I totally ate too many. I am SO ready to be done with this challenge so I can have more flexibility in my cooking. Red wine vinegar would be nice. Or even just a glass of RED WINE while I make dinner. The ability to eat soup. Or sushi. Or non-homemade mayonnaise. Or a spoonful out of the 2-gallon tub of delicious custom ice cream we received as a gift at my bridal shower.

    A local ice cream shop, Old Farmer's Creamery, has the ability to custom order 2-gallon tubs of ice cream. Jacob and I ordered ours last week in anticipation of this challenge ENDING. We decided on mint chip ice cream with french vanilla ice cream swirled in with chunks of Reese's peanut butter cups throughout. The staff wondered if we might want to taste that to be sure it was a good combo, but we held strong. We didn't cheat, and the staff served as our taste-bud proxies. We got a total thumbs up on our choice!

    Dear Lord, I hope The Whole30 didn't spoil our innards for this amazing taste combination. I have no idea what will happen when dairy is re-introduced. Or if any refined sugar will send me into a nutritional death spiral. I guess I should probably start mapping out what my Healthy/F*!$-off scale is going to look like...Check out the example from TheWhole9 below.

  2. But What CAN You eat??

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    With all the "forbidden" foods on The Whole30 list, I thought I would round up all of the yummy I eat as well as some of my favorite recipe resources.

    • Berries with coconut milk and almond slivers 
    • Black coffee (sometimes I drop in some coconut milk and cinnamon) 
    • Figs with whole roasted almonds and banana

    • Dinner leftovers
    • Deli meat roll-ups with homemade mayonnaise and lettuce
    • Hard-boiled eggs with baby carrots, whole roasted almonds, and fruit
    • tuna salad over greens or stuffed in a pepper 
    • egg salad on a bed of lettuce with grape tomatoes

    • pan-seared steaks with spinach, avocado, and bacon salad and homemade dressing
    • roasted whole chicken with spinach, pineapple, and bacon salad and homemade dressing
    • ground beef with peppers, avocado, and tomatoes
    • chicken with steamed frozen veggies or roasted green beans and no-sugar-added applesauce
    • eggplant Parmesan, without the Parmesan or breading (with this recipe, I could have eaten the whole pan in one sitting -- phenomenal!)
    • pecans, pistachios, or almonds
    • avocado with salt and pepper
    • Larabars or dried fruit
    • baby carrots
    • zucchini and yellow squash slices with homemade dressing or sugar-free dijon mustard
    • apples with sugar-free almond butter
    • post-workout: sweet potato with almond butter or topped with nutmeg, cinnamon, and coconut oil
    Favorite Sites for Recipes:
    • The Clothes Make the Girl - every recipe so far has been FULL of flavor and relatively easy
    • Everyday Paleo - great ideas for snacks and lunch, which are the two "mealtimes" during which I struggle for satisfaction and quelling the sugar craving. Great podcasts, too!
    • The Food Lover's Primal Palate - I cannot WAIT to try the desserts once sweeteners (like honey and maple syrup) can make their way off the forbidden list!

  3. 2 Down, 2 to Go

    Monday, February 14, 2011

    Week 2 was 180 degrees different than the first. I got a handle on the ingredients I can use, and I found some saving graces - like homemade olive oil mayonnaise. And avocados. And Lara Bars. And cinnamon. It is a whole new world.

    My energy level is more consistent, and I'm better at not feeling like I am starving all the time. I still have a long way to go, though. Over the weekend, Jacob and I were in Orlando and it was tough figuring out breakfast and lunch while on the road. I don't know how he does this every week. It definitely made me cranky.

    Surprisingly, Chili's Restaurant had some great options for us. The grilled salmon and veggies used no butter and were super flavorful. I substituted an extra helping of veggies for the side of rice that usually comes with the dish. Jacob had the fajitas, without the tortillas. When you're not filling up on corn tortillas, you can eat all of the filling provided on the sizzling cast iron platter.

    I am hoping that this week I stop fantasizing about cupcakes. I wasn't a cupcake fiend before The Whole30; however, because I absolutely cannot have one, that is ALL I want. Guess what I'm getting, Day 1, post-Whole30? You got it. A deliciously rich cupcake from The Cupcake Spot. I have two more weeks to decide just which one I want. Then, it is figuring out just what the balance is between a no-holds-barred approach to food and the strict regimen of The Whole30. At this point, I hope that at the end of this, I've learned enough to keep me closer to compliance with The Whole30, while allowing for the occasional treat (like cupcakes, wine, or dark chocolate)
    without falling down the rabbit hole of processed food.
    Yummy Eats of the Week:
    Sliced Banana with coconut milk and cinnamon
    Ground beef with green bell peppers, avocado, and tomato
    Tuna salad-stuffed red bell pepper

  4. Since starting this crazy ass food challenge, others posed many a-question to me about why I am doing it and why certain food items are "forbidden". In response to why I am doing this, I'll refer you back to my original post that kicked off the start of The Whole30. I preface my response to the second question by saying "I didn't make the rules, I just needed structure."

    I stumbled upon The Whole30 in relation to CrossFit,* which is a specific type of physical fitness training regime based on the premise that good nutrition fuels improved athletic performance. Essentially, in the CrossFit world, good health is derived from super fitness, and super fitness may only be achieved through good nutrition. I can wrap my head around that.

    It is more difficult to wrap my head around the specific rules of The Whole30 Challenge as there is a WHOLE lotta new information (to me) about nutrition and effects of specific foods on the human body. I am not a nutritionist. I have no background knowledge in nutrition or the science of nutrition. Hell, I ate whatever I wanted and assumed I could burn it all out during a run or boot camp. I chose the Whole30 because Jacob and I are interested in this whole "Paleolithic" diet/nutrition revolution that is happening, and The Whole30 offered concrete rules for getting to a cleaner state of eating (see above for my answer to the question of why I am doing this).

    So, here are the answers to why, during this challenge (and maybe beyond), I cannot have dairy, legumes (including peanuts and soy), or grains

    I hope you find these resources helpful. As for the habits of a caveman, even the Whole30 Challenge acknowledges that this is not an exact interpretation of how Paleolithic man prepared or ate his/her food. The underlying theme is that our human digestive systems have not evolved in concert with our food production techniques. Our digestive systems are still essentially paleolithic; they were not meant to consume fast food, processed food (e.g., food in a jar, box, or can), or food from the agricultural revolution (e.g., dairy, grains).

    I'm not sure I'm sold on the entire Paleo concept, including the idea of cutting cheese out of my diet forever, or never having another flour-based delight like waffles or cake, but I am sold on the idea of eating less crap and eating more real food. This challenge has thusfar been difficult and educational, and I learn best by doing. If this is what I must do in order to learn about to eat better, then so be it. It is not everyone's way and maybe you will take some new piece of information away from my experience. I mean, who knew grains had the ability to perforate your intestines?

    [* I will save a discussion about CrossFit and my connection with it for another day. For now, just substitute in the words "Boot Camp Class".]

  5. Well, last week was a grumpy week. I am off sugar and on a steap learning curve. I am learning a whole new way of preparing and cooking a whole new set of ingredients. I'm using more dishes in the kitchen that ever before. Hell, I'm using more pots and pans than ever before. I'm using the OVEN on weeknights, and not just to make delicious baked goods. Oh Lord, how I miss delicious baked goods. [And P.S. There is a huge sheet cake and sugar cookies sitting just outside my office door today. Additionally, why do Living Social and Groupon advertise with photos of CUPCAKES? It is a visual assault every time I search the web. This is why, at food challenge end, I will be making a batch of deliciously rich Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes! I'm sure it will eff up my system after eating cleanly for 30 days, but I do. not. CARE. I can taste the sugar delight now!]

    Anyway, heading into week two of this crazy ass food challenge, I feel better mentally as I have a better handle on "the rules of the game", as it were. I'm still trying to figure out how to snack right so I don't feel so hungry ALL day. And during the second half of last week and over the weekend, I made some pretty kick ass meals:

    Pan-broiled tri-tip steak served with spinach, avocado, and bacon salad and homemade dressing.

    Roasted whole chicken served with mashed cauliflower, and spinach, pineapple, and bacon salad with lemon dressing.

    I also grilled up the chicken I spiced up (but did not cook) for my initial chicken, celery, onion, and apple dish last week, and ate that with steamed veggies and no-sugar-added applesauce.

    I ate a restaurant on Friday, for the first time during this challenge, and delighted in eating a stack of shrimp, avocado, and bacon with a spinach salad served with bacon vinaigrette. [Thank God for bacon. First comes chocolate, then cheese, and then bacon, when it comes to making all things in the world wonderful.]

    I'm still loving my berries with coconut milk and almond slivers; however, I find that bananas with coconut milk and cinnamon makes an excellent sweet treat when I feel a sugar craving at snack time.

    I'm planning on trying a couple of more appetizing recipes this week or next -- I still have a lot of leftovers, including most of the whole roasted chicken!!

    In addition to eating yummy clean meals, I am enjoying honing my culinary skills and cooking for others. I actually have leftovers in my fridge. I fantasize about all the paleo-friendly yummy stuff I can make once I am off The Whole30 Challenge and I can use things like honey and almond flour to make cookies and pancakes. Until then, I'll keep updating you on the highs and lows of this grand food experiment!

  6. Quote of the Day

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    "Pride is the downward drag of all things into an easy solemnity. Seriousness is not a virtue. It would be heresy, but a much more sensible heresy, to say that seriousness is a vice. It is really a natural trend or lapse into taking one’s self gravely, because it is the easiest thing to do. It is much easier to write a good Times leading article than a good joke in Punch. For solemnity flows out of men naturally; but laughter is a leap. It is easy to be heavy; hard to be light." 
    ~ G.K. Chesterton

  7. A Cranky, Whiny Winner

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    So I went through some major sugar withdrawal over Days 2 and 3 of this food challenge/experiment. For serious. I was crank....y. Super crank. And super whiny in my head (and I am SURE out loud). Nothing satisfied me. Oh how fun for everyone. Not even the cats were spared. I don't think it helped that I kept trying to eat those damn leftovers from Monday night's recipe of chicken, celery, onions, and apple. I can officially say I hate that dish and it will never make another rotation. By the time I got home last night, I felt so hopeless. I was craving only things that were on the "Absolutely Do Not Touch" list for this challenge, and nothing on the "Please Eat Me I am So Good For You" list appealed to me at all. I knew I had to eat something.

    Thank the effing Lord for breakfast. I love breakfast foods, and in the depths of my dietary despair, eggs and chicken apple sausage came to the glorious rescue. Here's the food tally for Day 3.

    My usual beloved breakfast of berries, coconut milk, and almonds. I thought I could make my way through the last of the chicken goop leftovers, but I just couldn't do it. Therefore lunch consisted of dried apricots, cashews, a banana, and a tangerine, which barely got me through last night's boot camp. Sorry to the high school kids that crash our class. I'm sure you felt my wrath, which was unwarranted considering you only wanted to crowd me during our death sprints. I had breakfast for dinner, with a side of frozen veggies, steamed in the microwave.

    For tonight, I have something delicious planned for me and my gal pal and I'm excited to eat!

    While this experience has thusfar been short, I never in my life have thought about (or written about) food as much as I have in the past 3 to 4 days. I suppose that's a good thing since I previously never paid any attention to what I eat. I could have been eating lead paint chips for all I know. I also think I am over the hump of the serious sugar withdrawal. And I'm a winner because I never caved to the cravings. I am eager to find the new, healthier "quick, easy, and satisfying" balance, though. What will be my new crackers and cheese??

  8. Grumpy

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011

    Oh, today I just wanted cheese. Or bread. Or cheese. Or Wheat Thins. And yet, I am not hungry. The craving is all mental. And I'm a little grumpy because of it. Plus, my partner-in-crime won't be home until the 11th. That just puts me at baseline grumpy. I tried to cheer myself up by enjoying the sunset at Ft. De Soto. That worked for a bit, but I fear I might have cheesy, bready, crackery dreams tonight. So here's the day's food round up.

    See Day 1. Still tasty.

    Leftovers from Day 1 dinner. Still pretty good.

    Chicken apple sausage sauteed in olive oil with the celery, apple, and onion from last night's dish.

    Now where is dessert?