So where am I off to, this time, you ask? Why no where other than Gloucester, MA, America's Oldest Seaport! Wait...huh??? (Confused looks, knit brows...) Gloucester has a connection to NOAA Fisheries in that it is home to our Northeast Regional Office. I'm headed up there next week as a fill-in for a co-worker at a workshop on recovery of ESA-listed species. I guess you could say its a kind knowledge swap or a "lessons learned" kind of deal, as we NOAA Fisheries folks are going to discuss recovery as its been applied in the past and how we ("The Agency") will deal with recovery in the future for newly listed species and for currently listed species undergoing mandatory 5-year status reviews. I'm alternate number 50 down the line for filling in at this workshop, as my boss just found out today that my co-worker cannot attend next week. Others are unable to travel for any number of reasons, but as my boss so eloquently stated, "Well, you're young, rich, and single." Hey boss, I know you've seen my paycheck, so I think we can safely pull "rich" out of that statement, okay? If you want to replace that word with "gorgeous," "stunning," or "extremely talented," well, then I'd be more than OK with that.
Oh, and the picture (above) that kicked off this post? That's not only the location of the workshop, but it is where I'll be staying while in Gloucester. Its called The Ocean Inn and its ridiculously quaint, in a very New England seaport kind of way. Unfortunately, I've got to be home on Friday in time to head off to Orlando for some "young, rich, and single" fun out on the town, so I'll miss out on the whale watching field trip that day. Regardless, I hope to get some good photos while I'm on the road and between sessions at the workshop.
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