Now that the boss-man knows my plans, Jacob and I can finally go public with our news. Some folks already know what I'm going to say, and others may not. I definitely used hushed tones around the office to prevent early knowledge from spreading like wildfire. So here is the news...
August 19 will be my last day working for the federal government and my last day working as an endangered species biologist. Jacob quit his job last Friday. We are going into business for ourselves by opening our own CrossFit gym. Family is extremely important to both of us, so we're opening our gym in the Garvin hotbed -- Muscatine, IA -- on the western bank of the mighty Mississippi!
This change is bittersweet. I LOVE St. Petersburg and leaving the safe haven of dear friends is a melancholy thought for me. On the other hand, Jacob and I are SO FREAKING EXCITED about this adventure. We've been planning this since we both became Level 1 CrossFit certified this past February. Right now, we are in the process of setting up our Limited Liability Company, known as "Garberling LLC" (which will operate under the name "Warrior CrossFit Muscatine"), securing a gym space in downtown Muscatine, ordering equipment, and completing the final stages of becoming fully-affiliated with CrossFit Headquarters. In the next month, as we prepare for our move, we're going to ramp up our marketing efforts. Stay tuned for updates and let your friends know that CrossFit is coming to Muscatine!
Such an exciting time for you! I'm so impressed that you and Jacob have the bravery for this next step! I have no doubts that you'll succeed. ~dr. reid