Back to what I was getting at before -- the domestic voyage. The destinations and scenic vistas of the domestic voyage are the ideas and plans one entertains when given enough time at a routine. My routine consists of listening to the alarm go off, pressing the snooze button for an hour (plus), getting up, making the coffee, going to work, coming home, watching the boob tube in one form or another (DVDs, the Olympics, the CW), going to bed, then starting the whole thing over again. I'm not upset with my routine. It's been a nice reset period following the intense momentum of a few months of pack, travel, unpack, repeat. I reacquainted myself with my apartment, my workplace, my town, my relationships, my grocery store. It gave me time (finally) to achieve the milestone of open water SCUBA certification, to install a dishwasher, to go to the movies. And it gave me time to think and to be bored. That's right. This summer vacation, I got bored. And that's pretty cool. Seriously! Now, I never called Mom to ask for ideas on what to do, because I (or someone I know) invariably came up with SOMETHING amusing (or something broke or needed to be taken care of -- grown-up style); however, the dull hum of routine and boredom was necessary.
Now, I am ready for "the next big thing." ("Big" is a relative term.) In the long term, that means some changes with my job, and some more international and interstate adventures. In the short term, that means ramping up training efforts for the upcoming road race running season, especially since deciding to run both the Phoenix and Atlanta Half-Marathons with my cousin in early 2009. And in the here and now, that means enjoying the domestic voyage to become a wiser, stronger, more tolerant human being.

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