Back in early August, I got a chance to play with the cool kids on Lake Seminole, which is right here in Pinellas County. After picking up supplies (subs, drinks) and gassing up the boat, we loaded into the boat and motored away from the ramp. The lake is pretty big, as lakes outside of Finger Lakes and Great Lakes country go, and is separated into two parts. The back lake area is smaller, more residential, and shallower. You could stand up, with your head out of water, if you didn't mind the mucky goodness of the lake bed sucking at your feet. There may have been gators in there, too, but I didn't see them (and I didn't look too hard).

The tube was put away as we motored back toward the larger, main lake. The wakeboard was brought back out for another go. Carl gave his most valiant efforts, but never quite got the brass ring. I gave it my best shot, and nearly made it to upright (SO CLOSE); however, I never quite made it either. I blame my vice grip on the tube (and subsequent tossing from the tube) for reducing my strength. I just didn't have any oomph left. Jacob finally got upright and moved forward a few feet before getting dunked again. We just left him for dead and took off for home after that...

Seriously?! That last part would never happen. We all made it home alive, and gator-bite free. I definitely was sore for a couple of days after our playtime on the lake, but it was worth it. It was one helluva a beautiful day in Florida and a great day to be out on the water.

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