We hit a local farmer's market, and score a couple of yummy finds. Kelly gets some spiced up teas from a vendor, and we both take advantage of a 4 for 15 deal on dried fruits and spiced pecans from Locally Arizona. The dried apples taste like pie, and the Kentucky Bourbon BBQ Pecans are smoky and spicy and freakin' delicious. These items keep me sustained through the work portion of my time in Tucson.
The farmer's market at St. Philip's Plaza was a pretty quick in-and-out affair, so we head to downtown Tucson in search of breakfast. We figure we'll check out Dillinger Days Festival at The Hotel Congress -- the infamous hotel where Public Enemy No. 1, John Dillinger, was finally captured.

The Hotel Congress has a great restaurant called The Cup Cafe, where we intended on noshing. Unfortunately, everyone else had the same idea. Kelly and I traveled on, in a quest to find nourishment in the form of eggs, bacon, and coffee. The only way to start the day off right.
Downtown Tucson is...how to say?...D-E-A-D. I surprisingly did not see one tumbleweed roll down a single one of the empty streets. A center of banking and corporate offices, the downtown area has nothing much to offer even an intrepid visitor. An oasis among the lonely streets was Scooter's Cafe -- which markets itself with caffeine, protein, and sugar. Perfect! It is adjacent to the Downtown Visitor's Center on S Church Avenue. Yummy coffee, and even yummier bacon, egg, and cheese bagel sandwiches after 10 AM!
After fueling up, we walked through the courtyard plaza of the historic courthouse, past the Tucson Museum of Art, and over to the galleries of the Old Town Artisans.

The shops of The Old Town Artisans have a lot of great offerings from local ceramics, glass, and jewelry artists. Kelly and I spent quite a bit of time (and maybe even cash) at the shops here before heading up to the 4th Avenue Shopping District, which has a funkier vibe to it. We cruised around here a bit, and there are lots of dining options, and some interesting shops. Maybe we were tired from our morning about town. Maybe the shops really were uninspiring. Who knows? But were we still in Tucson when we saw The Hut?

Can you feel the Polynesian drums beating??
Kelly and I returned to 4th Avenue later in the day for dinner at La Indita. Authentic Mexican food at its finest, even though they ran out of their signature flan. By 8 PM. Whatevs, people. We had a drag show to get to by 9 PM. At the scary, non-descript, windowless building right. next. door.
Viva La Divas is hosted by "The Tallest White Drag Queen in Captivity" -- Janee Starr. She, and her supporting castmate, China, were fantastic. Botoxed upperlip queen, Tori Steele, not so much. Especially when she walked out in a feather-skirted ice-skating costume. I tell ya, she freaked me sh*t out. For serious. The show was so much fun, though. Something that made me feel more like a local, and less like a tourist. I had not even scratched the surface of what Tucson has to offer, though. Check out Part Tres y Part Quatro, which are up next, for more about the beauty and wonder of the Catalina Mountains and desert surrounding Tuscon....
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