Hi All,Thank you again to everyone that supported Team Twisted Blister and our efforts to help a student in need. Keep your eyes peeled, for we may be doing it all again in January 2011. This time -- running from Miami to Key West!!!
Just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that I just received word that the funds we raised for the Kenya Education Fund will be used to sponsor Miss Eunice Wangari through 4 years of school at Ndururumo High School. Through our fundraising, Eunice will have all 4 years of school fees covered, books, supplies, exams, room, board, and incidental expenses paid for.
Throughout the 4 years I'll be receiving letters from Eunice and I promise to send them along to you all. In the meantime, I hope you are as proud as I am of both our team and of Eunice as she embarks on this new journey. Thanks for all you support and please pass on the good news and a huge thank you from KEF (and me) for the support.
Hope you are all well!
Intrastate Running -- The Update
Friday, March 19, 2010
As you know, if you've been faithfully reading my blog AT ALL (of course you have, right?!?), I ran a crazy-ass team relay across the State of Florida this past November 2009. Many of you kind readers generously donated to our cause -- The Kenya Education Fund. Well, the final tally is in, and below are the results of all our fundraising efforts. I will let Daphne's email do the talking:
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