Tami and I decended down from Machu Picchu around 12:30 PM and arrived at the SAS Travel Hostal Viajeros around 1. We took a moment to drop our packs and drink some water. I took another moment to change into flip flops and clean out my rented pack. All my belongings went into a huge rice bag. I was happy to see that pack go, as it meant I was that much closer to seeing my travel backpack in Cusco. Tami and I rested at the hostal after stopping at an ATM and waited for the rest of group to roll in. The rest of them had decided to climb Winaypicchu, the peak that overlooks Machu Picchu city. The trail up the peak is extremely steep with continuous cliff edges and is not for the faint of heart (or weak of knees). I'm glad I skipped out of that ascent, as I laid on the chairs at the lunch table...
There is not much I can say about Aguas Calientes, as I wasn't there long enough to have more than a first impression of the place. It definitely caters to tourists and it has all of the same wares for sale as Cusco. Again, every shop sells the same things and there is a shop everywhere you turn. The highlight of our time in AC was our dip in the hot (warm) springs at the top of yet another hill. Tami and I slowly made our way up the hill to the hot springs. 10 soles (approx. US$3) gets you admitted. Tami and I soaked our broken bodies for over an hour. The pool could have been hotter, but hey, it was still pretty warm and just what the doctor ordered....Plus, we met a retired couple from North Carolina that had been sailing around the world for the past 6 and half years. They made me feel like a weak loser when they said they finished the Inca Trail the day before and they climbed Winaypicchu.
When we left the springs, it was time to head to the train back to Cusco, along with the second SAS Travel group. What would have been a restful, sleepy ride through the dark back to Cusco, was actually a loud, raucous ABBA sing-a-long - courtesy of the rude and drunk second SAS Travel group. Maybe I am just getting old and lame. What's wrong with a few beers after hiking for 4 days? What's wrong with blaring your iPod speakers while other ill, tired, and sore travelers are trying to sleep? And seriously, who has a problem with ABBA?? I'm raising my hand over here because there IS a time and a place for ABBA. The 6 PM train back to Cusco after 4 days on a steep rocky trail is NEITHER. Now, a 70s-themed birthday party at a roller rink....YES.
The bus ride from the train station at Ollytaytambo was blissfully less noisy, as we wet blankets took over the back of the bus and the rowdy bunch sat up near the guides. Sleeping was the name of that game. Wearily, Larry, Tami, and I disembarked and hoofed our way back to Pirwa, where Ryan and Amanda greeted us. I missed them on the trail!! We animatedly debriefed each other on our travels to and from Machu Picchu while Larry slept - maybe for the first time since leaving the coast and arriving in the mountains. In the morning, we were all headed off to Puno, the gateway to Lake Titicaca...
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