The sight of more (MORE???) stairs leading to the official entry point makes me grumpy, but as Tami put it, "I waited my whole life to see this place, there is no way I am not going to see it now." Unfortunately, Larry did not share her sentiments...He had enough of the trail and the stairs and his body - he went down to the hostal in Aguas Calientes with Washington and skipped the two hour tour of the city with Hilbert.
I am in a haze as we tour Machu Picchu with Hilbert. Somebody get me some cheese with my whine, because my knee hurts. I am amazed by the stonework. Pre-industrial revolution humans built this place out of the side of a mountain. Were they smoking the cocoa leaves?? Who DOES that?? Who sees the mountain peaks and says, "Let us build a sprawling sacred city HERE!" Yes, Machu Picchu gives views of all the other sacred glaciers ("apus"), but does that mean you haul rocks, by hand, up and down steep mountain slopes?? CRA-ZY!!
From here, I'll let the camera do the talking:

TRIP STATS (thusfar)
Number of soles paid to go to the bathroom at Machu Picchu: 1
Where I was on the 10-point happiness scale when I peed in a toilet with a seat: 11+
Number of tears shed on the trail: ZERO (eat THAT, mountain!)
Number of rocky stairs climbed: Ugh, too many!
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