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  1. A Cranky, Whiny Winner

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    So I went through some major sugar withdrawal over Days 2 and 3 of this food challenge/experiment. For serious. I was crank....y. Super crank. And super whiny in my head (and I am SURE out loud). Nothing satisfied me. Oh how fun for everyone. Not even the cats were spared. I don't think it helped that I kept trying to eat those damn leftovers from Monday night's recipe of chicken, celery, onions, and apple. I can officially say I hate that dish and it will never make another rotation. By the time I got home last night, I felt so hopeless. I was craving only things that were on the "Absolutely Do Not Touch" list for this challenge, and nothing on the "Please Eat Me I am So Good For You" list appealed to me at all. I knew I had to eat something.

    Thank the effing Lord for breakfast. I love breakfast foods, and in the depths of my dietary despair, eggs and chicken apple sausage came to the glorious rescue. Here's the food tally for Day 3.

    My usual beloved breakfast of berries, coconut milk, and almonds. I thought I could make my way through the last of the chicken goop leftovers, but I just couldn't do it. Therefore lunch consisted of dried apricots, cashews, a banana, and a tangerine, which barely got me through last night's boot camp. Sorry to the high school kids that crash our class. I'm sure you felt my wrath, which was unwarranted considering you only wanted to crowd me during our death sprints. I had breakfast for dinner, with a side of frozen veggies, steamed in the microwave.

    For tonight, I have something delicious planned for me and my gal pal and I'm excited to eat!

    While this experience has thusfar been short, I never in my life have thought about (or written about) food as much as I have in the past 3 to 4 days. I suppose that's a good thing since I previously never paid any attention to what I eat. I could have been eating lead paint chips for all I know. I also think I am over the hump of the serious sugar withdrawal. And I'm a winner because I never caved to the cravings. I am eager to find the new, healthier "quick, easy, and satisfying" balance, though. What will be my new crackers and cheese??

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